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Pinball Parts

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Nothing for sale at the moment, but here are links to some other parts suppliers:

General Pinball Parts:

For Amusement Only - Some game specific parts and good source for new Stern parts

Pinball Resource - Great source for parts (especially if you know the part #)

Marco Specialties - Good general source for parts, books, etc

Bay Area Amusements - Many game specific parts (including reproductions) as well as general pinball parts

DMS Pinballs - General and some game specific parts

Great Parts for Collectors:

Orbit Pinball - Pinball plastic protectors for many great games

PinCab Protectors - can be found on Ebay.

Reproduction Pinball Parts:

Pinball Inc. - Excellent reproduction ramps

Mantis Amusements - Reproduction scoops as well as other game specific parts

Pinball Lizard - Replacement Twilight Zone clock parts (very cool!) and other electronics

Pinball Pal - Insert Decals from Pinheadz, cabinet stencils, etc

Arcadeoverlays, LLC - Reproduction pinball side art, etc.

Phoenix Arcade - Reproduction pinball side art, etc.

Pinball Connection - Reproduction pinball side art and playfield overlays (used to be ArcadeGrafix)


Mods and other Pinball Parts:

Pin Gizmos - Excellent remote battery holder, TZ and Scared Stiff Mods, etc

Pinball Pro - Pinball sound systems, TZ mods, plastic washers, etc

Pinball Rebel - Custom instruction and free play pricing cards

King of Payne - Plastic washers, monopoly protectors, etc

TZModFAQ.com - Source of the TZ Mod FAQ with links to other suppliers

Parts on eBay:



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