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The Barn

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Here are some pictures from our Halloween weekend trip to track down and save some arcade games. A fellow collector (thanks Keith!) had gotten a tip that there was a farm with a bunch of old games that were going to be scrapped so we headed at 7:00am on Sunday to find them. We had been told that some of the games were out in the rain, but that still did not prepare me for what we found:

My first sighting of the games: driveway_view.jpg (74052 bytes)

A couple of shots of the pile: thepile3.jpg (74308 bytes) thepile1.jpg (72820 bytes) thepile2.jpg (75392 bytes)

The saddest sight: robotron.jpg (74404 bytes) and another: lunarlander.jpg (87504 bytes)

Some other outdoor shots: gauntlet.jpg (73108 bytes) spaceharrier.jpg (74880 bytes)

As you can see from the pictures above, most of the games were past saving. We did some scavenging: searching.jpg (74532 bytes):scavenging.jpg (77900 bytes)

and saved a few parts: parts.jpg (72948 bytes)

Luckily, not all of the games were outside. Here's a sampling of what we found in the barn:

Carnival: carnival.jpg (63272 bytes) Star Hawk: starhawk.jpg (53359 bytes) Stargate: stargate.jpg (65808 bytes) Xevious: xevious.jpg (57170 bytes)

Missile Command: missilecommand.jpg (50489 bytes) Space Invaders (there were several): spaceinvaders.jpg (84556 bytes)

Hyper Sports: hypersports.jpg (69356 bytes) Pinball machine: pinball.jpg (73352 bytes) Egg machine: eggs.jpg (69880 bytes)

As you can see, it was a bit dusty, but some of the games looked pretty good.

Here's a picture of a Defender being saved: savingtron.jpg (77308 bytes)  

Tron needs some TLC: tron2.jpg (72287 bytes) We also pulled out a bunch of cocktails: cocktails.jpg (74376 bytes)


The biggest surprise was up in the hayloft: loft1.jpg (78336 bytes) loft2.jpg (77948 bytes) How did they even get the games up here?

That's it for now - I hope you enjoyed the pictures.



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